So What’s New?
First and foremost, we have updated the look and feel of the website to a more modern style which we feel fits our companies virtues and values. Art With A Heart is always striving to do more for the community and a fresh appearance is a big addition to that. In addition to our new stylish look, we have streamlined our site for a better user experience. Our program pages are split up by age group and events have now become separate. We hope you find learning about and registering for programs as easy as possible.
We have also made our about section streamlined so as to benefit future sponsors and newcomers to Art With A Heart. If you are interested in learning more about Art With A Heart and our history, please see the about section which you can find in the navigation at the top.
Our programs will be updated regularly so be sure to check in often. If you would like to join our mailing list to receive updates about everything Art With A Heart, you can do so below. Updates and announcements will also be posted on our blog under the “Press Room” section; you will also be able to find these updates on the homepage.
That’s all for now, we hope you enjoy the new site so feel free to explore!
– The Art With A Heart Team